Clean slate kenosha
Clean slate kenosha

clean slate kenosha

HBS students are now also expected to test three times a week, mirroring the increased testing requirement for undergraduate students living on campus announced earlier this month. On Sunday, the administrators sent an email to all MBA students that classes would be moved online. Our community can and must do better,” the email continued, urging students to halt all unmasked, indoor social activities. The HBS have since decided to call for indoor mask mandates: “These distressing figures are so high that they have attracted the scrutiny of local public health officials. The University’s Covid-19 dashboard shows that over the past seven days, 60 of the 74 positive reported cases have been vaccinated graduate students. Our positivity rate is 12 times that of the rest of Harvard,” the HBS Dean Srikant M. MBA students comprise roughly 9 percent of the student population at the University, but have accounted for more than two-thirds of total student cases in September. “We are a complete outlier among Harvard schools in our numbers. In an email to all MBA students on Thursday, it was noted that first-year students made up roughly 75 percent of positive cases. Why would vaccinated students fall ill, because according to their own vaccine propaganda, these shots “protect”. The school however tried to attribute the outbreak to “off-campus social gatherings” which makes no sense, since the same students were “required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 prior to coming to campus”. In order to attend lectures at HBS, Covid-19 vaccination has been mandatory for all students.

Clean slate kenosha